Designing Human and Social Education Contents for AI Convergence Education
AI 융합교육을 위한 인문사회 컨텐츠 설계


Sang-Il Lee


March 5, 2024

Main Focus

  • This course focuses on how technological advances associated with data science and artificial intelligence could enhance social studies education.

  • Students are expected:

    • to understand possibilities and limitations of those technologies for social studies education,

    • to develop their abilities to design teaching-learning contents by fusing the technologies and particular subject matters, and

    • to get to possess an introductory level of computer programming for the technologies.

Class Setting

LMS (Learning Management System)

Class Design

  • Classes are conducted in a combination of lectures and lab exercises.

  • Lectures include various topics such as:

    • Concepts and Principles of Data Science

    • Population Topics for Contents Development

    • Exploratory Data Analysis

    • Data Science and Communication

    • Data Science and Education

    • Web Scraping as Data Collection

    • Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning

  • Each lecture is accompanied by an R exercise.

  • During the final two weeks, each student is expected to give a presentation about designing social studies class contents for AI-Integrated education.

Student Responsibilities


  • Each student should give a presentation on designing social studies class contents for AI-Integrated education.

    • Subject: one or two population Issues (low birth rate, aging, population cliff, regional extinction, school-age population)

    • Data: KOSIS or World Population Prospects 2022

    • Form: 20-minute-long presentation

Term Paper

  • Each student should submit a term paper about the presentation above at the end of the semester.

Grading Method

Attendance and Participation (20%)

  • Penalty will be given for each absence/lateness.
  • Active participation might be awarded.

Presentation (50%)

  • Overall performance will be evaluated.

Term Paper (30%)

  • The format of the term paper can be freely chosen.
  • Due date: 6/18/2024 (Tuesday)


Data Science

Data Visualization

Statistical Foundation

Web Scraping

Text Analysis

Web Application Development

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Introduction to R


Week Date Contents
1 3/5 Orientation
2 3/12 Concepts and Principles of Data Science 1
3 3/19 Concepts and Principles of Data Science 2
4 3/26 Population Topics for Contents Development 1
5 4/2 Population Topics for Contents Development 2
6 4/9 Population Topics for Contents Development 2
7 4/16 Idle
8 4/23 Exploratory Data Analysis
9 4/30 Data Science and Communication
10 5/7 Data Science and Education
11 5/14 Web Scraping
12 5/21 Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning
13 5/28 Idle
14 6/4 Designing Class Contents for AI-Integrated Education 1
15 6/11 Designing Class Contents for AI-Integrated Education 2
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